Anna Piasecki

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna Piasecki plays a role.


Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives

Edited by Kate Beeching, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki

Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 29:2 (2022) iii, 213 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics
Piasecki, Anna and Ton Dijkstra 2023 Chapter 6. Cross-language influences in L2 pre-lexical and lexical processing and acquisitionCross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia and Marc Brysbaert (eds.), pp. 126–151 | Chapter
We review how second language (L2) printed and spoken word recognition is affected by first language (L1) characteristics. First, sublexical word properties in bilingual word recognition are considered, in particular diacritical marks and Capital Letters in a script, script-specific letters,… read more
Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki 2022 Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectivesDiscourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki (eds.), pp. 181–194 | Introduction
Webb, Stuart and Anna Piasecki 2020 Re-examining the effects of word writing on vocabulary learningApproaches to Learning, Testing and Researching L2 Vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 73–94 | Chapter
This study investigated the effects of word writing on vocabulary learning by comparing three conditions in which there was (a) limited time to write words, (b) unlimited time to write words, and (c) a non-writing word-picture pairs comparison. Non-native speakers studying English as a second… read more
Webb, Stuart and Anna Piasecki 2018 Re-examining the effects of word writing on vocabulary learningApproaches to learning, testing, and researching L2 vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 72–94 | Article
This study investigated the effects of word writing on vocabulary learning by comparing three conditions in which there was (a) limited time to write words, (b) unlimited time to write words, and (c) a non-writing word-picture pairs comparison. Non-native speakers studying English as a second… read more