Alberto Greco

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alberto Greco plays a role.


Andersson, Marta and Alberto Greco 2024 Chapter 4. “Oh wow! We getting ready for my funeral?”: The prosody of self- and other-directed impoliteness in Jeffree Star’s YouTube product reviewsInfluencer Discourse: Affective relations and identities, Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, Pilar and Alexandra Georgakopoulou (eds.), pp. 100–127 | Chapter
This paper investigates the prosodic differentiation between self-deprecation and impoliteness targeting others in YouTube video product reviews by Jeffree Star, a well-known social media (hence SM) influencer. The results show that low pitch values, longer durations, and descending melodic… read more
Domaneschi, Filippo, Elena Carrea, Alberto Greco and Carlo Penco 2014 Propositional attitudes towards presuppositions: An experimental approachPragmatics & Cognition 22:3, pp. 291–308 | Article
According to the Common Ground account proposed by Stalnaker (2002, 2009), speakers involved in a verbal interaction have different propositional attitudes towards presuppositions. In this paper we propose an experimental study aimed at estimating the psychological plausibility of the Stalnakerian… read more