Søren Sandager Sørensen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Søren Sandager Sørensen plays a role.


Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction

Edited by Jakob Steensig, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen

[Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 37] 2025. vi, 441 pp. + index
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax
Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan Lindström, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen 2025 Chapter 14. Discussion: Where are we now and what are the next steps toward an Interactional Grammar?Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 424–441 | Chapter
The chapters of this volume have taken important first steps toward the ultimate goal that all contributors to this volume share: The creation of comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction in specific languages, which are based on, and true to, how language is used in interaction. In this… read more
Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen 2025 Chapter 1. Grammar in action: Social interaction as a basis for a comprehensive grammar?Grammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Chapter
In this chapter, we introduce the background for the studies in this volume. We review the treatment of grammar in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics and introduce the basic concepts in this analytical approach. We then discuss how interactional perspectives may relate to… read more
Sørensen, Søren Sandager 2025 Chapter 10. Copula variation in Danish and the intertwined nature of grammarGrammar in Action: Building comprehensive grammars of talk-in-interaction, Steensig, Jakob, Maria Jørgensen, Jan K. Lindström, Nicholas Mikkelsen, Karita Suomalainen and Søren Sandager Sørensen (eds.), pp. 303–333 | Chapter
This chapter explores constructions with the copula verb er ‘is’ in Danish. Practices employing zero copula assessments, stressed copulas and cases where syntax requires overt copula are described. Data are informal Danish interactions. The constructions are analyzed using Conversation… read more
Sørensen, Søren Sandager and Jakob Steensig 2021 Chapter 6. Rising OKAY in third position in Danish talk-in-interactionOKAY across Languages: Toward a comparative approach to its use in talk-in-interaction, Betz, Emma, Arnulf Deppermann, Lorenza Mondada and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 175–204 | Chapter
Earlier investigations claim that there are two OKAY types in Danish: okay1, with falling pitch, occurring mainly in third position, indicating sufficient understanding, and okay2, with rising pitch, indicating so-far understanding and that a projected trajectory may continue. We have examined… read more