The framing impact of political discourses has long been attested for. Metaphors in particular are known to ease the understanding of complex concepts and processes. Yet, the question remains to what extent metaphors do work the same on different recipients? Based on an experimental design, we… read more
This article analyses the use of (deliberate) metaphors in political discourse produced by French-speaking Belgian regional parliamentarians during non-institutional political interviews. The article first investigates if the use of deliberate metaphor limits itself to a particular type of… read more
The introduction offers an overview of the literature on political metaphors, with Critical Discourse Analysis and Conceptual Metaphor Theory as starting points. It then presents the main objective of the book, viz. to study the variation in political metaphor, based on the analyses of actual data,… read more
The concluding chapter discusses political, linguistic, psychological, and methodological dimensions related to the study of political metaphor. It highlights common themes discussed in the primary chapters, noting points of convergence in the research questions being investigated, the methods used… read more
As metaphors not only reflect perceived reality, but can also function as cues through which citizens come to understand complex political processes, the aim of this study is to look at how specific metaphors might impact on the citizens’ framing of Belgian federalism. To measure the impact of… read more
The article deals with the typological differences between the Romance language French and the Germanic languages German and Dutch for the linguistic expressions of posture and location. It describes how these typological differences can be problematic for French-speaking learners of German and… read more
This article examines first tendencies towards connective usage by French-speaking learners of Dutch. Two sorts of discursive markers were analyzed, viz., attitude and relational markers. The results show two main tendencies. On the one hand, the learners seem to overuse attitude markers. This has… read more