Alexander Haselow

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexander Haselow plays a role.


Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Grammar and Cognition: Dualistic models of language structure and language processing

Edited by Alexander Haselow and Gunther Kaltenböck

[Human Cognitive Processing, 70] 2020. vii, 358 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Psycholinguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
This study explores the ability of advanced adolescent German learners of English to optimize turn design for talk-in-interaction, focusing on collaborative turn constructions and ellipses. Data deriving from recorded conversations conducted in the foreign language among German learners of… read more
This paper studies the long-term diachronic development of the speech act of expressing gratitude in the history of English in Britain. The speech act underwent a considerable transformation from a religious-devotional practice and an expressive act with a high illocutionary weight addressed to… read more
This paper deals with the features of the system of other-initiated repair in different varieties of English, and thus in different cultural settings in which English is spoken. Corpus-based data are used to investigate whether and how repair practices, which are essential to the human… read more
This chapter contributes to recent lines of research proposing right-hemisphere dominance of discourse-related language tasks using neurolinguistic data on the incidence of discourse markers in the speech of unilaterally brain-damaged speakers (left- and right-hemispheric damage) compared to data… read more
Haselow, Alexander and Sylvie Hancil 2021 Grammar, discourse, and the grammar-discourse interfaceStudies at the Grammar-Discourse Interface: Discourse markers and discourse-related grammatical phenomena, Haselow, Alexander and Sylvie Hancil (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Introduction
Based on the relatively broad evidence for the assumption that language structure and linguistic cognition are organized in a dualistic way, this chapter follows proposals for a distinction between microstructures and macrostructures in language. While the first serve the establishment of… read more
Haselow, Alexander 2016 Intensifying adverbs ‘outside the clause’: A cognitive analysisOutside the Clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents, Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer and Arne Lohmann (eds.), pp. 379–416 | Article
This paper discusses utterance-final uses of intensifying adverbs (absolutely, definitely, really and totally), which are often ambiguous in terms of their syntactic status between postposed clausal constituents and extra-clausal units. These adverbs are analyzed as macrogrammatical elements… read more
This article explores the extent to which present-day written news discourse has become more speech-like regarding the structure of sentences. Three features will be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively: the use of conjunctions as extra-clausal linking devices, the occurrence of disintegrated… read more
Haselow, Alexander 2015 Left vs. right periphery in grammaticalization: The case of anywayNew Directions in Grammaticalization Research, Smith, Andrew D.M., Graeme Trousdale and Richard Waltereit (eds.), pp. 157–186 | Article
Ways of identifying functional differences between elements in the left and the right periphery of an utterance after grammaticalization processes are discussed using data from the history and present-day use of anyway. This element developed from a clause-internal adverbial into a… read more
Haselow, Alexander 2014 Sequentiality in dialogue as a trigger for grammaticalizationGrammaticalization – Theory and Data, Hancil, Sylvie and Ekkehard König (eds.), pp. 203–234 | Article
Using the rise of three final particles in spoken English (then, though, anyway) as a case study it will be shown that dialogic interaction is an important domain of grammaticalization. The central idea is that grammaticalization may be induced by the regularization of interactive sequences which,… read more
The present article deals with the origin of utterance-final then and the functional changes of then related to this development. Based on a corpus study of historical texts it will be shown that final then acquired a variety of functions at the illocutionary level from the Middle English period… read more
The case of Iceland shows that linguistic variation and the formation of a multilingual community are not always seen as an enrichment for speakers that act in an increasingly globalized world, but sometimes suppressed by means of a rigid language policy. The negative attitude towards the use of a… read more