Mario Essert

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mario Essert plays a role.


Despot, Kristina Š., Mirjana Tonković, Mario Essert, Mario Brdar, Benedikt Perak, Ana Ostroški Anić, Bruno Nahod and Ivan Pandžić 2019 Chapter 5. MetaNet.HR: Croatian metaphor repositoryMetaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, Bolognesi, Marianna, Mario Brdar and Kristina Š. Despot (eds.), pp. 123–146 | Chapter
This paper describes the theoretical background, methodology, tasks, results, and challenges of the MetaNet.HR (Croatian Metaphor Repository) project. It combines a theory-driven introspective top-down approach that analyzes the system of conceptual metaphors in the Croatian language (following the… read more