Jon Andoni Duñabeitia

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jon Andoni Duñabeitia plays a role.


Bilingualism through the Prism of Psycholinguistics: In honour of Albert Costa

Edited by Mikel Santesteban, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia and Cristina Baus

[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 17] 2023. vi, 297 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics


Ortigosa, Isabel, Azucena Garcia-Palacios and Jon Andoni Duñabeitia 2023 Chapter 9. Fear conditioning and bilingualismBilingualism through the Prism of Psycholinguistics: In honour of Albert Costa, Santesteban, Mikel, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia and Cristina Baus (eds.), pp. 265–285 | Chapter
There is evidence that the emotional reactivity in a foreign language is reduced as compared to native languages. This differential emotional reactivity has effects in various cognitive domains, as revealed by the so-called foreign language effect on decision-making. This opens doors to the… read more
Santesteban, Mikel, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia and Cristina Baus 2023 Psycholinguistics and bilingualism through Prof. Albert Costa’s mind: A summary of his legacyBilingualism through the Prism of Psycholinguistics: In honour of Albert Costa, Santesteban, Mikel, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia and Cristina Baus (eds.), pp. 2–25 | Chapter
This section briefly summarizes Albert Costa’s main scientific contributions and introduces the main themes elaborated in the nine chapters comprised in this volume. These chapters review the main theories and most recent findings related to bilingual language representation and selection in a… read more