Andreas Eriksson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Andreas Eriksson plays a role.


Eriksson, Andreas 2017 Bain Butler, Donna Developing International EFL/ESL Scholarly Writers Stance, resonance and the power of engagement, Nir, Bracha and Elisabeth Zima (eds.), pp. 128–136 | Review
Wärnsby, Anna, Asko Kauppinen, Andreas Eriksson, Maria Wiktorsson, Eckhard Bick and Leif-Joran Olsson 2016 Building interdisciplinary bridges: MUCH: The Malmö University-Chalmers Corpus of Academic Writing as a ProcessNew Approaches to English Linguistics: Building bridges, Timofeeva, Olga, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja and Sarah Chevalier (eds.), pp. 197–211 | Article
This paper describes a corpus of writing as a process (MUCH), comprising English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student texts. The corpus will contain a large number of richly annotated papers in several versions from students of different performance levels. It will also include peer and instructor… read more
Nordrum, Lene and Andreas Eriksson 2015 Data commentary in science writing: Using a small, specialized corpus for formative self-assessment practicesLearner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment, Callies, Marcus and Sandra Götz (eds.), pp. 59–84 | Article
Data commentary, the verbal comment on visual material, is a complex area in science writing; yet, few studies in academic writing focus on it. This chapter presents an approach to the teaching and learning of data commentary in ESP writing within the science disciplines involving direct… read more