Agnieszka Piskorska

List of John Benjamins publications for which Agnieszka Piskorska plays a role.


Concepts and Context in Relevance-Theoretic Pragmatics: New Developments

Edited by Agnieszka Piskorska and Manuel Padilla Cruz

Special issue of Pragmatics 33:3 (2023) v, 192 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

New Developments in Relevance Theory

Edited by Manuel Padilla Cruz and Agnieszka Piskorska

Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 28:2 (2021) v, 218 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Piskorska, Agnieszka 2023 Has madam read Wilson (2016)? A procedural account of the T/V forms in PolishConcepts and Context in Relevance-Theoretic Pragmatics: New Developments, Piskorska, Agnieszka and Manuel Padilla Cruz (eds.), pp. 486–504 | Article
This paper offers an account of Polish addressative forms encoding deference and familiarity in terms of the relevance-theoretic notion of procedural meaning, which underlies a heterogeneous range of phenomena linked to different cognitive domains. The procedure encoded by pronouns used… read more
Piskorska, Agnieszka and Manuel Padilla Cruz 2023 Concepts and context in relevance-theoretic pragmatics: New developmentsConcepts and Context in Relevance-Theoretic Pragmatics: New Developments, Piskorska, Agnieszka and Manuel Padilla Cruz (eds.), pp. 313–323 | Article
Padilla Cruz, Manuel and Agnieszka Piskorska 2021 New developments in relevance theoryNew Developments in Relevance Theory, Padilla Cruz, Manuel and Agnieszka Piskorska (eds.), pp. 223–227 | Introduction
Piskorska, Agnieszka 2021 The internet and social media as a theme and channel of humorPragmatics, Humour and the Internet, Yus, Francisco (ed.), pp. 12–27 | Article
This paper deploys the tools of relevance theory to establish a common pragmatic mechanism operating in humorous texts (stand-up comedy, jokes, sketches) themed on the omnipresence of the Internet and social media in human life. It is postulated that this mechanism resides in incongruity between… read more
Piskorska, Agnieszka 2021 Humorous means, serious messages: A relevance-theoretic perspective on telling jokes to communicate propositional meaningBeyond Meaning, Ifantidou, Elly, Louis de Saussure and Tim Wharton (eds.), pp. 119–132 | Chapter
Drawing on the observation that speakers may use jokes as stylistic devices to communicate propositional meanings, this paper offers a relevance-theoretic account of pragmatic mechanisms involved in this kind of communication, dubbed ‘meaningful jokes.’ First, I argue that the comprehension of… read more
Piskorska, Agnieszka 2021 Being ambivalent by exploiting indeterminacy in the explicit import of an utteranceNew Developments in Relevance Theory, Padilla Cruz, Manuel and Agnieszka Piskorska (eds.), pp. 376–393 | Article
In line with recent interest in weak and often not fully determinate effects of communication permeating relevance-theoretic research, I contribute a discussion on two possible sources of speaker-intended indeterminacy within explicit import of an utterance: one residing in an intentionally… read more
Jodlowiec, Maria and Agnieszka Piskorska 2020 Chapter 2. Metonymic relations – from determinacy to indeterminacyRelevance Theory, Figuration, and Continuity in Pragmatics, Piskorska, Agnieszka (ed.), pp. 45–65 | Chapter
The chapter offers an account of metonymy and discusses some stylistic effects which may be provided by metonymic expressions. We treat metonymically communicated concepts as part of the inferentially established proposition of an utterance and argue that many such concepts may be indeterminate. We… read more
Piskorska, Agnieszka 2016 Perlocutionary effects and relevance theoryRelevance Theory: Recent developments, current challenges and future directions, Padilla Cruz, Manuel (ed.), pp. 287–305 | Article
The paper adopts and modifies Austin’s (1962) notion of perlocutionary effects and argues for recognizing the significance of such effects in communication. I draw a parallel between persuasion, which has received much attention in RT and is believed to be intrinsically linked to comprehension, and… read more