Rodney H. Jones
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rodney H. Jones plays a role.
Occupy Hong Kong: Historicizing Protest
Edited by John Flowerdew and Rodney H. Jones
Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 15:5 (2016) vi, 147 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Chapter 3. Is my mobile phone listening to me? Conspiratorial thinking, digital literacies, and everyday encounters with surveillance Conspiracy Theory Discourses, Demata, Massimiliano, Virginia Zorzi and Angela Zottola (eds.), pp. 49–70 | Chapter
2022 Despite denials from tech executives, fact-checks from journalists and explanations from security experts, the “conspiracy theory” that internet companies listen to people’s conversations via the microphones in their mobile phones persists. This paper explores the ways people make sense of their… read more
Metalinguistic tactics in the Hong Kong protest movement Language, Politics and Media: The Hong Kong Protests, Wang, Guofeng and Ming Liu (eds.), pp. 143–172 | Article
2022 This paper explores the metalinguistic tactics used by Hong Kong protesters in 2014 and 2019 and how they reflected and exploited a range of dominant ideologies about language in the city. These tactics are considered both in terms of their rhetorical utility in the “message war” between… read more
Surveillant landscapes Linguistic Landscape 3:2, pp. 149–186 | Article
2017 Most linguistic landscape research to date has focused on how people read and write language in the material world. Much less attention has been paid to the way linguistic landscapes sometimes read and write their inhabitants through technologies like CCTV cameras, intruder alarms, and other… read more
Occupy Hong Kong: Historicizing Protest Occupy Hong Kong: Historicizing Protest, Flowerdew, John and Rodney H. Jones (eds.), pp. 519–526 | Article
2016 Evidentiary video and “Professional Vision” in the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement Occupy Hong Kong: Historicizing Protest, Flowerdew, John and Rodney H. Jones (eds.), pp. 567–588 | Article
2016 The video documentation of police violence against citizens, and the circulation of these videos over mainstream and social media, has played an important part in many contemporary social movements, from the Black Lives Matter Movement in the U.S. to the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. Such… read more