Laura Sanchez
List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura Sanchez plays a role.
Chapter 4. The L2 status factor hypothesis revisited: The role of metalinguistic knowledge, working memory, attention and noticing in third language learning L3 Syntactic Transfer: Models, new developments and implications, Angelovska, Tanja and Angela Hahn (eds.), pp. 85–101 | Chapter
2017 This chapter provides a nuanced view of the L2 status factor model, emphasizing explicit metalinguistic knowledge as the key factor governing transfer, together with individual differences in working memory and the operations associated with it. We argue that individual differences regarding the… read more
Chapter 10. Transfer from an L2 in third language learning: A study on L2 proficiency L3 Syntactic Transfer: Models, new developments and implications, Angelovska, Tanja and Angela Hahn (eds.), pp. 223–250 | Chapter
2017 This chapter addresses the role of proficiency in a prior non-native language (L2 proficiency) on transfer in third language learning. It discusses some methodological considerations and gaps in previous research, while also bringing up conceptual difficulties in defining, operationalizing and… read more