David Adger
List of John Benjamins publications for which David Adger plays a role.
Bare resumptives Resumptive Pronouns at the Interfaces, Rouveret, Alain (ed.), pp. 343–366 | Article
2011 This paper shows that some languages have ‘bare resumptives’, that is, resumptive pronouns lacking the usual ö-features. It then shows that bare resumptives must be local to their binder (do not violate islands) unlike ö-featured resumptives. This behaviour is explained by a theory which takes… read more
Variation and the minimalist program Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social, Cornips, Leonie and Karen P. Corrigan (eds.), pp. 149–178 | Article
2005 Circumstantial adverbs and aspect Adverbials: The interplay between meaning, context, and syntactic structure, Austin, Jennifer R., Stefan Engelberg and Gisa Rauh (eds.), pp. 45–66 | Article
2004 Eliminating Disjunction in Lexical Specification Lexical Specification and Insertion, Coopmans, Peter, Martin B.H. Everaert and Jane Grimshaw (eds.), pp. 1–26 | Article
2000 Deriving the Parametrisation of the Mapping Hypothesis Studies on Universal Grammar and Typological Variation, Alexiadou, Artemis and Tracy Alan Hall (eds.), pp. 109–134 | Article