Anders Horsbøl

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anders Horsbøl plays a role.

This chapter investigates what may be termed the responsive aspect of politics in critical situations where ordinary routines are challenged and unexpected events require a political response. Taking the deadly attack on a public meeting and the synagogue in Copenhagen, Denmark on 14 February 2015… read more
Lassen, Inger and Anders Horsbøl 2016 Governing citizen engagement: A discourse studies perspectiveStudies of Discourse and Governmentality: New perspectives and methods, McIlvenny, Paul, Julia Zhukova Klausen and Laura Bang Lindegaard (eds.), pp. 73–94 | Article
This chapter sets out to explore tensions between bottom-up and top-down processes from a governmentality perspective. Using a discourse studies approach, we investigate how forms of public participation in a local climate mitigation project can be viewed as an instance of governmentality in the… read more
A central journalistic counterstrategy to the communicative ‘professionalization’ of politics consists in a use of political communication experts who comment on political moves and analyse the strategies behind them. This study investigates how the media uses political communication experts in… read more
Horsbøl, Anders 2006 From our plan to my promises: Multimodal shifts in political advertisementsMediating Ideology in Text and Image: Ten critical studies, Lassen, Inger, Jeanne Strunck and Torben Vestergaard (eds.), pp. 149–172 | Article