Maria Averintseva-Klisch

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Averintseva-Klisch plays a role.

In this paper, I attempt a bridge between linguistics, in particular text pragmatics, and school reading of literary texts. I propose a linguistic model of these peculiarities of the reading of literary texts, especially poetry, that have been called ‘aesthetic reading’, arguing that a… read more
Averintseva-Klisch, Maria 2016 Demonstrative pejorativesPejoration, Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer and Heike Wiese (eds.), pp. 119–142 | Article
Cross-linguistically an affinity to pejoration has been repeatedly observed for demonstrative reference to human beings. Concentrating on German demonstratives I propose to conceive the pejoration effect here as an interplay of semantic and pragmatic factors. These factors are (i) core… read more
Averintseva-Klisch, Maria 2008 To the right of the clause: Right dislocation vs. afterthought'Subordination' versus 'Coordination' in Sentence and Text: A cross-linguistic perspective, Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine and Wiebke Ramm (eds.), pp. 217–239 | Article
Averintseva-Klisch, Maria 2008 11. German right dislocation and afterthought in discourseConstraints in Discourse, Benz, Anton and Peter Kühnlein (eds.), pp. 225–247 | Article
I show that German right dislocation subsumes two distinct constructions, which I label right dislocation proper and afterthought. These differ in a number of prosodic, syntactic and semantic characteristics and also have different discoursefunctional properties. Right dislocation marks a discourse… read more
Averintseva-Klisch, Maria 2007 Anaphoric properties of German right dislocationAnaphors in Text: Cognitive, formal and applied approaches to anaphoric reference, Schwarz-Friesel, Monika, Manfred Consten and Mareile Knees (eds.), pp. 165–182 | Article
I argue that the so-called ‚German right dislocation’ in fact comprises two formally and functionally distinct constructions, which I label right dislocation proper and afterthought. The main focus of the paper lies on right dislocation proper (RD) and its discourse function. I show, that RD is… read more
Averintseva-Klisch, Maria and Manfred Consten 2007 The role of discourse topic and proximity for demonstratives in German and RussianInformation Structuring Resources in Contrast, Behrens, Bergljot, Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen, Hilde Hasselgård and Stig Johansson (eds.), pp. 221–240 | Article
This article discusses the textual functions of demonstratives in German and Russian in terms of ‘discourse topicality’ and ‘proximity’, thus covering a broad range of referential phenomena within a unified approach. It shows that — in spite of important grammatical differences between German and… read more