Fan Fang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fan Fang plays a role.


Language learning for language minority students in a globalized world

Edited by Mark Feng Teng and Fan Fang

Special issue of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 46:2 (2023) v, 158 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Translation Studies | Writing and literacy
This article examines Teochew-speaking learners of English as an example of linguistic minority students’ use of and attitudes toward everyday translanguaging practices. By conducting a series of semi-structured interviews, this qualitative study specifically examines students’ translanguaging… read more
Teng, Mark Feng and Fan Fang 2023 Language learning for language minority students in a globalized worldLanguage learning for language minority students in a globalized world, Teng, Mark Feng and Fan Fang (eds.), pp. 131–139 | Introduction
Cogo, Alessia, Fan Fang, Stefania Kordia, Nicos Sifakis and Sávio Siqueira 2021 Developing ELF research for critical language educationAILA Review 34:2, pp. 187–211 | Article
Research in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), that is the medium of communication between people who come from different linguacultural backgrounds, has created a rich body of work in various areas. This article focuses on a more recent development of this research for teachers and teacher… read more