Michael B. Kac

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael B. Kac plays a role.


Grammars and Grammaticality

Michael B. Kac

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 78] 1992. x, 259 pp.
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Kac, Michael B. 2019 A primer for linguistic normativistsNormativity in Language and Linguistics, Mäkilähde, Aleksi, Ville Leppänen and Esa Itkonen (eds.), pp. 103–124 | Chapter
A normative domain is a realm of action or thought in which it’s necessary to invoke the concepts of requirement/obligation, permission or prohibition. Closely associated with these is that of correctness. A rule of grammar, as this term is traditionally understood (e.g., the requirement that… read more
Kac, Michael B. 1996 ForewordTowards a Social Science of Language: Papers in honor of William Labov, Guy, Gregory R., Crawford Feagin, Deborah Schiffrin and John Baugh (eds.), pp. xv–xviii | Foreword
Kac, Michael B. 1994 A Nonpsychological Realist Conception of Linguistic RulesThe Reality of Linguistic Rules, Lima, Susan D., Roberta Corrigan and Gregory Iverson, pp. 43–50 | Article
Kac, Michael B. 1993 What is categorical grammar really good for?Principles and Prediction: The analysis of natural language, Eid, Mushira and Gregory Iverson (eds.), pp. 93–104 | Article
Kac, Michael B. 1986 Review of Hudson (1984): Word GrammarStudies in Language 10:2, pp. 507–516 | Review