Elisabetta Adami

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabetta Adami plays a role.


The present paper examines patterns of relatedness in exchanges built by the video responses to one of YouTube “Most Responded” videos. The analysis shows the presence of a diversified range of patterns, as a result of the interactants’ creative use of the video response option, which affords… read more
Facchinetti, Roberta and Elisabetta Adami 2008 Intersubjective patterns of English modalised mental state verbsEnglish Text Construction 1:2, pp. 198–225 | Article
We survey a set of syntactic configurations resulting from the modalisation of the mental verbs know, see and think in different varieties of English. The patterns are identified as falling within two discourse functions expressing intersubjectivity: (a) recognising the other without taking over… read more