Letizia Caronia
List of John Benjamins publications for which Letizia Caronia plays a role.
Book series
Language and Social Interaction at Home and School
Edited by Letizia Caronia
[Dialogue Studies, 32] 2021. vi, 385 pp.
Subjects Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Dialogue in institutional settings
Edited by Franca Orletti and Letizia Caronia
Special issue of Language and Dialogue 9:1 (2019) v, 190 pp.
Subjects Anthropology | Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Communication Studies | Computational & corpus linguistics | Dialogue studies | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Psychology | Sociology
Chapter 6. Pursuing understanding or engaging the patient? “Making the body speak” as a dilemma-overcoming practice in triadic primary care visits with unaccompanied foreign minors A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare: Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding, Bigi, Sarah and Maria Grazia Rossi (eds.), pp. 144–170 | Chapter
2023 This chapter reports findings from a single-case study on primary care visits involving a general practitioner (GP), three unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs) with low competence in the language of the visit, and two professional educators in charge of them. Adopting a conversation… read more
Shifting addressivity: In / Ex clusionary practices in triadic medical interaction with unaccompanied foreign minors Towards Culture(s) of Dialogue: Communicating Unity and Diversity through Language and Discourse, Okulska, Urszula, Grzegorz Kowalski and Urszula Topczewska (eds.), pp. 284–305 | Article
2022 In dealing with recent migration-related phenomena, inclusion has become an increasingly common normative ethical imperative in socio-political discourse. Considering inclusion as a situated interactive accomplishment, this article reports findings from a study on medical visits, each one… read more
Language, culture and social interaction: An introduction Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 1–36 | Chapter
2021 In the 20th century, a theoretical insight surfaced and gradually prevailed as an agreed upon framework to (re)thinking children’s socialization and socio-cognitive development: language and interaction are the main tools through which cultures, social organization, moral orders as well as… read more
PART II. Dialogues at school Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 189–350 | Section header
2021 Part 1. Dialogues at home Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 37–188 | Section header
2021 Chapter 5. Language, interaction, and culture at school: An overview Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 193–220 | Chapter
2021 The chapter provides an overview of selected studies that, from the mid-twentieth century, have variously dealt with classroom language, interaction, and culture. Moving from the recognition that schools represent (at least in western societies) a major site for children’s socialization into the… read more
Objects that matter: The hybrid and distributed agency in parent-assisted homework interactions Dialogic Matters: Interrelating Dialogue, the Material, and Social Change, Castor, Theresa (ed.), pp. 8–34 | Article
2021 It has been two decades since the social-material turn in social interaction studies proved the heuristic limits of a logocentric analytical geography. In this paper, we focus on the performative function of objects in an underexplored learning activity: parent-assisted homework. Adopting a… read more
Chapter 2. Making unquestionable worlds: Morality building practices in family dinner dialogues Language and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 87–120 | Chapter
2021 Drawing on extant studies and research on language socialization and dinner talk, this chapter focuses on ordinary family interactions as socializing experiences and – at the same time – as culture-building activities. Adopting a conversation analytic approach, examples of video-recorded family… read more
Assessing a (gifted) child in parent-teacher conference: Participants’ resources to pursue (and resist) a no-problem trajectory Dialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 125–148 | Article
2019 Delivering and acknowledging assessments are the most recurrent institutional activities occurring in parent-teacher conference. This paper reports data from a mother-teacher conference concerning a gifted child. We show how participants’ practices to accomplish and receive assessment in the… read more
The agency of language in institutional talk: An introduction Dialogue in institutional settings, Orletti, Franca and Letizia Caronia (eds.), pp. 1–27 | Review article
2019 This article, introducing the Special Issue, investigates the notion of “agency of language” and its historical roots: the phenomenological emphasis on the social actors’ role in constituting their Life-World. It reconstructs the genesis – at the beginning of the 20th century – of two ideas that… read more
Research interview as social interaction: Epistemic implications From Pragmatics to Dialogue, Weigand, Edda and István Kecskés (eds.), pp. 83–112 | Chapter
2018 This chapter discusses and empircally illustrates the epistemic implications of a dialogic approach to language when used as a research tool. I analyze examples of one of the most commonly used methods in social science research, the interview, and discuss some implications of foregrounding the… read more
Polyphony in a ward: Tracking professional theories in members’ dialogues Language and Dialogue 6:3, pp. 395–421 | Article
2016 Contemporary research on the communicative constitution of organization conceives organization as made up of multiple voices embodied in and enacted by the different actors inhabiting this social world. This paper illustrates the inner polyphony at play in the complex and sensitive workplace of an… read more
The fabric of certainty: Ignoring interactional details as an epistemic resource in research interviews Communicating Certainty and Uncertainty in Medical, Supportive and Scientific Contexts, Zuczkowski, Andrzej, Ramona Bongelli, Ilaria Riccioni and Carla Canestrari (eds.), pp. 249–271 | Article
2014 This chapter concerns the tactic of “ignoring uncertainty” that takes place during research interviewing. Drawing on extent research on research interviews as an interactive phenomenon, we contend that most micro-actions implied in scientific practices are purifying activities aimed to clean… read more
Texts-in-dialogues: The communicative constitution of media ideologies through family ordinary talk Language and Dialogue 2:3, pp. 427–448 | Article
2012 This paper discusses the process through which cultural ideas, knowledge and beliefs mediating the encounter between an audience and a text are fabricated in and enacted by everyday naturally occurring dialogues. We contend that the cultural knowledge framing any hermeneutic dialogue is… read more
Representing dialogues-in-the-field: The shared responsibility of scientific aesthetics Language and Dialogue 1:2, pp. 293–313 | Article
2011 Contemporary researchers can rely upon a wide repertoire of different and legitimized ways of representing field dialogues in scientific texts. This article addresses the issue of the crucial role these ways of reporting dialogues play in creating different data from the ‘same’ raw material and in… read more