Shu-Chuan Tseng
List of John Benjamins publications for which Shu-Chuan Tseng plays a role.
Phonetic fusion in Chinese conversational speech Chinese Language and Discourse 13:2, pp. 302–327 | Article
2022 This paper presents a corpus-based perspective on the phonetic fusion of disyllabic words in a Chinese conversational speech corpus. Four categorical types that reflect the phonological features of reduction degrees are automatically derived from gradient, acoustic properties. A transcription… read more
Chinese disyllabic words in conversation Chinese Language and Discourse 5:2, pp. 231–251 | Article
2014 This paper presents a study of segment duration in Chinese disyllabic words. The study accounts for boundary-related factors at levels of syllable, word, prosodic unit, and discourse unit. Face-to-face conversational speech data annotated with signal-aligned, multi-layer linguistic information was… read more
Syllable Contractions in a Mandarin Conversational Dialogue Corpus International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10:1, pp. 63–83 | Article
2005 The issue of processing and understanding spontaneous speech interests speech engineers and linguists, because spontaneous speech is the most natural and the most frequent form of language used for communication. However, the lack of well-defined databases of spontaneous speech prohibits the scale… read more