Isabelle Maillochon

List of John Benjamins publications for which Isabelle Maillochon plays a role.


Malgré l’ importance prise par le thème du figement dans la recherche récente, l’ étude de la production des séquences figées ou semi-figées au tout début du langage reste encore très peu développée. Le présent article examine l’ émergence du figement chez l’ enfant en adoptant une approche… read more
Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique, Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Isabelle Maillochon and Wolfgang U. Dressler 2013 The acquisition of nominal determiners in French and German: A cross-linguistic perspective on the grammaticalization of nounsGrammaticalization and First Language Acquisition: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Bassano-Bonhommo, Dominique and Maya Hickmann † (eds.), pp. 37–59 | Article
In many languages, the acquisition of nominal determiners is a central aspect of the emergence of grammar in children. This study compares the development of determiners — between the ages 1–3 — in the spontaneous productions of two children who acquire French and Austrian German respectively.… read more
In many languages, noun determiner acquisition is a central aspect of the emergence of grammar in children. The study compares the development of determiners — between one and three years of age — in the spontaneous productions of two children who acquire French and Austrian German, respectively.… read more