Mikko Laitinen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mikko Laitinen plays a role.


Types of Variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces

Edited by Terttu Nevalainen, Juhani Klemola and Mikko Laitinen

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 76] 2006. viii, 378 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Laitinen, Mikko 2018 Chapter 9. Indefinite pronouns with singular human reference: Recessive and ongoingPatterns of Change in 18th-century English: A sociolinguistic approach, Nevalainen, Terttu, Minna Palander-Collin and Tanja Säily (eds.), pp. 137–158 | Chapter
This study investigates how (dis)similar ELF is structurally from the core native varieties of English, indigenized L2 varieties, and learner English. ELF is understood as second language use of English in settings where the interactants do not necessarily share a first language. The empirical part… read more
Laitinen, Mikko, Jonas Lundberg, Magnus Levin and Alexander Lakaw 2017 Revisiting weak ties: Using present-day social media data in variationist studiesExploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics, Säily, Tanja, Arja Nurmi, Minna Palander-Collin and Anita Auer (eds.), pp. 303–325 | Chapter
This article makes use of big and rich present-day data to revisit the social network model in sociolinguistics. This model predicts that mobile individuals with ties outside a home community and subsequent loose-knit networks tend to promote the diffusion of linguistic innovations. The model has… read more
Laitinen, Mikko 2016 Ongoing changes in English modals: On the developments in ELFNew Approaches to English Linguistics: Building bridges, Timofeeva, Olga, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja and Sarah Chevalier (eds.), pp. 175–196 | Article
The article investigates how ongoing grammatical change, widely documented in various native varieties, is adopted in advanced lingua franca use of English (ELF). It incorporates a broader perspective on ELF than previously, seeing it as one stage in the long diachronic continuum of Englishes… read more
Laitinen, Mikko and Magnus Levin 2016 On the globalization of English: Observations of subjective progressives in present-day EnglishesWorld Englishes: New theoretical and methodological considerations, Seoane, Elena and Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds.), pp. 229–252 | Article
This article discusses the globalization of English and suggests that the changing role and nature of English in the expanding circle requires new methodological approaches and new empirical materials which better represent non-native global English(es), that is, when English is used as an… read more
Laitinen, Mikko and Anita Auer 2014 Letters of Artisans and the Labouring Poor (England, c. 1750–1835): Approaching linguistic diversity in Late Modern EnglishContact, Variation, and Change in the History of English, Pfenninger, Simone E., Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier (eds.), pp. 187–212 | Article
Histories of linguistic variability and language standardization in Late Modern England have predominantly focused on the well-educated layers of society. This paper aims at providing a more complete overview of language use during that period by focusing on the lower social ranks. The discussion… read more
Laitinen, Mikko 2009 Singular YOU WAS/WERE variation and English normative grammars in the eighteenth centuryThe Language of Daily Life in England (1400–1800), Nurmi, Arja, Minna Nevala and Minna Palander-Collin (eds.), pp. 199–217 | Article
This article investigates the sociolinguistic processes in singular you was and you were variation in eighteenth-century correspondence. The focus is on the sociolinguistic mechanisms in operation when one variant was established as a standard, high-prestige variant, and the other as a non-standard… read more
Laitinen, Mikko 2006 Expressing human indefiniteness in English: T239ypology and markedness of pronounsTypes of Variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces, Nevalainen, Terttu, Juhani Klemola and Mikko Laitinen (eds.), pp. 203–239 | Article
Nevalainen, Terttu, Juhani Klemola and Mikko Laitinen 2006 ‘Triangulation’ of diachrony, dialectology and typology: An overviewTypes of Variation: Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces, Nevalainen, Terttu, Juhani Klemola and Mikko Laitinen (eds.), pp. 3–19 | Article
This article explores the usage of singular HE and plural THEY with their possessive, objective and reflexive forms in anaphoric reference to compound indefinite pronouns in written present-day English. Previous studies have indicated that the most commonly used personal pronouns in anaphoric… read more