Adrian Leemann
List of John Benjamins publications for which Adrian Leemann plays a role.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Phonology | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Gopal, Deepthi, Tam Blaxter, David Willis and Adrian Leemann 2021
Testing models of diffusion of morphosyntactic innovations in Twitter data Urban Matters: Current approaches in variationist sociolinguistics, Ziegler, Arne, Stefanie Edler and Georg Oberdorfer (eds.), pp. 253–278 | Chapter
Established models of the spatial diffusion of linguistic innovations vary in their relationship to population density. Differences in prediction between the gravity models (Trudgill 1974), in which probability of diffusion is sensitive to settlement size, and the traditional wave models can be… read more
The present study offers preliminary results on the intonation of Swiss German dialects spoken in Berne, Brig, and Zurich. In following a predominantly phonetic approach, the comparison of the subjects from each location allows for a distinction between region-specific and individual intonational… read more