Hakyoon Lee
List of John Benjamins publications for which Hakyoon Lee plays a role.
Developing beginning language learners’ (meta-)cultural understanding via student-led Linguistic Landscape research Linguistic Landscape 8:1, pp. 56–84 | Article
2022 Practitioners of additional-language (AL) education have consistently argued for the pedagogical benefits of engaging students in Linguistic Landscape (LL) research. The potential of how LL study may contribute to students’ development in (meta-)cultural understanding is yet to be explored.… read more
Telling stories and sharing cultures for constructing identity and solidarity: A case of informal communication at a workplace Narrative Inquiry 30:1, pp. 80–103 | Article
2020 This study investigates how immigrant workers construct their identities and social relations by telling stories in multilingual work environments. My main interest lies in naturally occurring and interactionally achieved stories, from the participants’ day-to-day interaction at a workplace. Data… read more
Chapter 2. Learning of Korean honorifics through collaborative tasks: Comparing heritage and foreign language learners Task-Based Approaches to Teaching and Assessing Pragmatics, Taguchi, Naoko and YouJin Kim (eds.), pp. 27–54 | Chapter
2018 This study examines the effects of collaborative writing tasks on the development of Korean honorifics among heritage language (HL) and foreign language (FL) learners. Participants were 14 HL learners (HLLs) and 32 FL learners (FLLs) of Korean (i.e., 14 HLL-FLL and 9 FLL-FLL dyads) in… read more