Joss Moorkens

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joss Moorkens plays a role.



Fair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation

Edited by Joss Moorkens, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo

Special issue of Translation Spaces 9:1 (2020) v, 176 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Discourse studies | Translation Studies
Sakamoto, Akiko, Darren van Laar, Joss Moorkens and Félix do Carmo 2024 Measuring translators’ quality of working life and their career motivation: Conceptual and methodological aspectsTranslators’ and Interpreters’ Job Satisfaction, Ruokonen, Minna, Elin Svahn and Anu Heino (eds.), pp. 54–77 | Article
This article discusses the conceptual and methodological aspects of the Translator WRQoL (Work-related Quality of Life) survey and provides some preliminary results and observations based on the first pilot study. The survey is being developed to measure translators’ work satisfaction and… read more
This article analyzes texts that have been generated by machine translation (MT) and post-edited by native English-speaking trainee translators (English>Chinese) who are also Chinese language learners enrolled in a four-year undergraduate translation program. The project examines the work… read more
Kenny, Dorothy, Joss Moorkens and Félix do Carmo 2020 Fair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable machine translationFair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation, Moorkens, Joss, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Introduction
Moorkens, Joss 2020 “A tiny cog in a large machine”: Digital Taylorism in the translation industryFair MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation, Moorkens, Joss, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo (eds.), pp. 12–34 | Article
Translators have worked with the assistance of computers for many years, usually translating whole texts, divided into segments but in sequential order. In order to maximise efficiency and inspired by similar moves in the tech industry and predictions for Industry 4.0, large translation companies… read more
The three measurements for post-editing effort as proposed by Krings (2001) have been adopted by many researchers in subsequent studies and publications. These measurements comprise temporal effort (the speed or productivity rate of post-editing, often measured in words per second at the segment… read more
Moorkens, Joss, Antonio Toral, Sheila Castilho and Andy Way 2018 Translators’ perceptions of literary post-editing using statistical and neural machine translationTranslation Spaces 7:2, pp. 240–262 | Article
In the context of recent improvements in the quality of machine translation (MT) output and new use cases being found for that output, this article reports on an experiment using statistical and neural MT systems to translate literature. Six professional translators with experience of literary… read more