Evelina Daniela Rodrigues

List of John Benjamins publications for which Evelina Daniela Rodrigues plays a role.


Hartmann, Stefan, Sławomir Wacewicz, Andrea Ravignani, Daria Valente, Evelina Daniela Rodrigues, Rie Asano and Yannick Jadoul 2024 Delineating the field of language evolution research: A quantitative analysis of peer-review patterns at the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE 2022)Interaction Studies 25:1, pp. 100–117 | Article
Research on language evolution is an established subject area yet permeated by terminological controversies about which topics should be considered pertinent to the field and which not. By consequence, scholars focusing on language evolution struggle in providing precise demarcations of the… read more