Aslı Özyürek

List of John Benjamins publications for which Aslı Özyürek plays a role.



Social Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç

Edited by F. Nihan Ketrez, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 21] 2017. xii, 242 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Özyürek, Aslı 2018 Chapter 6. Cross-linguistic variation in children’s multimodal utterancesSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 123–138 | Chapter
Our ability to use language is multimodal and requires tight coordination between what is expressed in speech and in gesture, such as pointing or iconic gestures that convey semantic, syntactic and pragmatic information related to speakers’ messages. Interestingly, what is expressed in gesture and… read more
Ketrez, F. Nihan, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek 2017 IntroductionSocial Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Ketrez, F. Nihan, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Miscellaneous
Sümer, Beyza, Pamela Perniss and Aslı Özyürek 2017 Chapter 14. A first study on the development of spatial viewpoint in sign language acquisition: The case of Turkish Sign LanguageSocial Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç, Ketrez, F. Nihan, Aylin C. Küntay, Şeyda Özçalışkan and Aslı Özyürek (eds.), pp. 223–240 | Chapter
The current study examines, for the first time, the viewpoint preferences of signing children in expressing spatial relations that require imposing a viewpoint (left-right, front-behind). We elicited spatial descriptions from deaf children (4–9 years of age) acquiring Turkish Sign Language (TİD)… read more
Özyürek, Aslı 2017 Chapter 3. Function and processing of gesture in the context of languageWhy Gesture?: How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating, Church, Ruth Breckinridge, Martha W. Alibali and Spencer D. Kelly (eds.), pp. 39–58 | Chapter
Abstract Most research focuses function of gesture independent of its link to the speech it accompanies and the coexpressive functions it has together with speech. This chapter instead approaches gesture in relation to its communicative function in relation to speech, and… read more
Speakers achieve coherence in discourse by alternating between differential lexical forms e.g. noun phrase, pronoun, and null form in accordance with the accessibility of the entities they refer to, i.e. whether they introduce an entity into discourse for the first time or continue referring to an… read more
Kita, Sotaro and Aslı Özyürek 2007 5 How does Spoken Language Shape Iconic Gestures?Gesture and the Dynamic Dimension of Language: Essays in honor of David McNeill, Duncan, Susan D., Justine Cassell and Elena T. Levy (eds.), pp. 67–74 | Chapter
Özyürek, Aslı, Sotaro Kita, Shanley E.M. Allen, Reyhan Furman and Amanda Brown 2007 How does linguistic framing of events influence co-speech gestures? Insights from crosslinguistic variations and similaritiesGestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates, Liebal, Katja, Cornelia Müller and Simone Pika (eds.), pp. 199–218 | Article
What are the relations between linguistic encoding and gestural representations of events during online speaking? The few studies that have been conducted on this topic have yielded somewhat incompatible results with regard to whether and how gestural representations of events change with… read more
Özyürek, Aslı, Sotaro Kita, Shanley E.M. Allen, Reyhan Furman and Amanda Brown 2005 How does linguistic framing of events influence co-speech gestures? Insights from crosslinguistic variations and similaritiesGestural Communication in Nonhuman and Human Primates, Liebal, Katja, Cornelia Müller and Simone Pika (eds.), pp. 219–240 | Article
What are the relations between linguistic encoding and gestural representations of events during online speaking? The few studies that have been conducted on this topic have yielded somewhat incompatible results with regard to whether and how gestural representations of events change with… read more
Trabasso, Tom and Aslı Özyürek 1997 Communicating Evaluation in Narrative UnderstandingConversation: Cognitive, communicative and social perspectives, Givón, T. (ed.), pp. 269–302 | Article