Elena Zaretsky

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Zaretsky plays a role.


Spelling Acquisition in Cross-linguistic Settings

Edited by Susie Russak and Elena Zaretsky

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 25:1 (2022) v, 132 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Writing and literacy

Cross-linguistic Transfer in Reading in Multilingual Contexts

Edited by Elena Zaretsky and Mila Schwartz

[Benjamins Current Topics, 89] 2016. ix, 183 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Writing and literacy

Cross-linguistic transfer in reading in multilingual contexts – recent research trends

Edited by Elena Zaretsky and Mila Schwartz

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 17:1 (2014) ix, 171 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Writing and literacy
Russak, Susie and Elena Zaretsky 2022 Investigating spelling across typologically diverse orthographies: An introductionSpelling Acquisition in Cross-linguistic Settings, Russak, Susie and Elena Zaretsky (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Review article
Early spelling development is an important area of research as it presents an opportunity for our understanding of how children begin to represent sounds within words through application of letter-sound mapping. The development of spelling is often characterized by stage-like theories, although… read more
Previous research shows strong evidence of positive cross-linguistic transfer as a factor of L1 literacy. Moreover, research shows that L1 literacy supports the preservation of L1 language skills while learning L2, as oral and written languages are highly interdependent. Two theoretical frameworks… read more
Zaretsky, Elena and Mila Schwartz 2016 Foreword: Cross-linguistic transfer in reading in multilingual context – recent research trendsCross-linguistic Transfer in Reading in Multilingual Contexts, Zaretsky, Elena and Mila Schwartz (eds.), pp. vii–x | Foreword
Previous research shows strong evidence of positive cross-linguistic transfer as a factor of L1 literacy. Moreover, research shows that L1 literacy supports the preservation of L1 language skills while learning L2, as oral and written languages are highly interdependent. Two theoretical frameworks… read more
Zaretsky, Elena, Jelena Kuvac Kraljevic, Cynthia Core and Mirjana Lencek 2009 Literacy predictors and early reading and spelling skills as a factor of orthography: Cross-linguistic evidenceWritten Language & Literacy 12:1, pp. 52–81 | Article
The majority view of reading development maintains the importance of specific cognitive and linguistic abilities, e.g. phonological awareness (PA) and vocabulary and verbal working memory (VWM). Another factor in attaining literacy may be the language of exposure, e.g. whether it has a transparent… read more