Tommaso Bertolotti
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tommaso Bertolotti plays a role.
Chapter 4. The expert you are (not): Citizens, experts and the limits of science communication Science and Democracy: Controversies and conflicts, Barrotta, Pierluigi and Giovanni Scarafile (eds.), pp. 71–86 | Chapter
2018 Considering any democratic government, it goes without saying that the more knowledgeable the citizens are, the better the democratic process will work. Therefore, leveraging scientific information among laypeople is intuitively linked to the growth of an educated population; some factors, though,… read more
Gossip as a model of inference to composite hypotheses Pragmatics & Cognition 22:3, pp. 309–324 | Article
2014 In this paper we seek an inferential and cognitive model explaining some characteristics of abduction to composite hypotheses. In the first section, we introduce the matter of composite hypotheses, stressing how it is coherent with the intuitive and philosophical contention that a single event can… read more