Elena Shimanskaya

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Shimanskaya plays a role.


Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Meaning and Structure in Second Language Acquisition: In honor of Roumyana Slabakova

Edited by Jacee Cho, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya

[Studies in Bilingualism, 55] 2018. xv, 311 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Shimanskaya, Elena 2022 IntroductionGenerative SLA in the Age of Minimalism: Features, interfaces, and beyond, Leal, Tania, Elena Shimanskaya and Casilde A. Isabelli (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
Cho, Jacee, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya 2018 IntroductionMeaning and Structure in Second Language Acquisition: In honor of Roumyana Slabakova, Cho, Jacee, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya (eds.), pp. ix–xv | Introduction
Shimanskaya, Elena 2018 Chapter 3. Another look at L2 acquisition of French clitics and strong pronounsMeaning and Structure in Second Language Acquisition: In honor of Roumyana Slabakova, Cho, Jacee, Michael Iverson, Tiffany Judy, Tania Leal and Elena Shimanskaya (eds.), pp. 67–94 | Chapter
The present study investigated the L2 acquisition of French clitic and strong object pronouns by adult Anglophone learners. While most previous research has focused on French object clitics and acquisition of their placement, the current study reports on two experiments comparing acquisition of… read more