Christian Balliu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christian Balliu plays a role.
Désir de traduire et affirmation d’une profession: Les leçons de l’histoire Désir de traduire et légitimité du traducteur / New Drivers of Translation - a Challenge for Professional Translators, Froeliger, Nicolas and Colette Laplace (eds.), pp. 21–30 | Article
2012 Abstract/Résumé
The history of translation shows us that the translator has always been on a quest for legitimacy and that he has been successful on many occasions. History teaches us that the lack of recognition from which the translator often suffers from today is not a legacy from the past and… read more
Traduire les maux FORUM 3:1, pp. 1–19 | Article
2005 Abstract/Résumé
An age-old science, medicine has had to follow in the steps of history for millenniums. Little wonder, then, if medical language - and, hence, terminology - has always been influenced, over the years, by its successive users. The medical translator is bound to realize that the… read more