Ian Lancashire

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ian Lancashire plays a role.


Lancashire, Ian 2015 Vocabulary and dementia in six novelistsLanguage Development: The lifespan perspective, Gerstenberg, Annette and Anja Voeste (eds.), pp. 77–108 | Article
Previous longitudinal studies of modern novelists Iris Murdoch and Agatha Christie indicate that a dramatic loss of vocabulary, and an increase in repeated phrases, mark incipient dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease. A new case study of detective-fiction writer Ross Macdonald (1915–1930,… read more
Lancashire, Ian 2011 The Flores of Ouide (1513): An early Tudor Latin-English textbookWords in Dictionaries and History: Essays in honour of R.W. McConchie, Timofeeva, Olga and Tanja Säily (eds.), pp. 3–16 | Article
Wynkyn de Worde, heir to Caxton’s press, published in 1513 a little textbook entitled The flores of Ouide de arte amandi with theyr englysshe afore them: and two alphabete tablys (STC 18934). It has two substantial lexical tables, English-Latin, and Latin-English, that enable students to translate… read more