The 23rd of January 2019 marked the beginning of the Venezuelan Presidential Crisis, a unique socio-political conflict that confronted Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, to the self-proclaimed leader Juan Guaidó. This paper explores the divisive power of conceptual metaphors in this context… read more
This chapter analyzes two constructional changes by deletion of linguistic elements in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) in the 20th century, namely, the null clitic se constructions (specifically, reflexive, reciprocal, middle, anticausative, passive, and impersonal constructions) and the chopping… read more
This chapter investigates the impact of conceptual metaphor on the cultural variation of emotions in European and Brazilian Portuguese (EP/BP). Adopting a usage-based, sociocognitive view of language and applying a corpus-based and profile-based methodology, this study combines a multifactorial… read more
This chapter analyses the role of conceptual metaphors in the conceptualization and ideological exploitation of the global financial crisis and the subsequent austerity policies in the Portuguese press. The analysis relies on a corpus of news and opinion articles published between September 2008… read more
Supporting the hypothesis that emotions are culturally constructed, this article compares the cultural conceptualization of pride in European and Brazilian Portuguese (EP/BP). Individualistic/collectivistic as well as other cultural influences that determine the conceptual variation of pride in… read more
This chapter analyses the persuasive power of metaphors used in the Portuguese press to justify the implementation of harsh austerity policies. The analysis relies on a corpus of news and opinion articles published in June-July 2011, after the entry of the Troika, and May 2013, when protests… read more
This paper offers a conceptual analysis of the Portuguese inflected (or personal) infinitive. The analysis makes use of a few concepts of Cognitive Grammar. The inflected infinitive is described as an objective construal of the main participant of a process type. This conceptual import is… read more