Álvaro Marín García
List of John Benjamins publications for which Álvaro Marín García plays a role.
Language mediation training and the foreign‑language effect in moral decision‑making Translation and Interpreting at the Interface of Cognition and Emotion, Rojo López, Ana María and Purificación Meseguer Cutillas (eds.), pp. 140–158 | Article
2024 Moral cognition is an emerging field investigating the cognitive underpinnings of moral judgement and moral decision-making. Of particular interest for Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies (CTIS) is the impact of the use of a foreign language on the cognitive processes associated with… read more
Chapter 10. Task-based L2 skill development for TI trainees: From competences to expertise Instrumentalising Foreign Language Pedagogy in Translator and Interpreter Training: Methods, goals and perspectives, Seel, Olaf Immanuel, Silvia Roiss and Petra Zimmermann-González (eds.), pp. 177–195 | Chapter
2023 The present chapter reports on the design and implementation of a C2-level English course for TI trainees in an attempt to move away from the more traditional instruction based on linguistic competence. We intend to bring the classroom closer to industry demands by facilitating the students’… read more
Bridging the epistemological gap: Issues in CTS knowledge application to training Developments in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xiao, Kairong and Sandra L. Halverson (eds.), pp. 462–481 | Article
2021 Despite Cognitive Translation Studies’ (CTS) interest in didactic applications, the actual impact of research on training programs has been modest in comparison with the advances made in terms of methodology, theoretical sophistication and expansion of the object of study. It is argued that the… read more
Expertise acquisition through deliberate practice: Gauging perceptions and behaviors of translators and project managers Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 123–160 | Article
2019 In his influential 2006 publication, Shreve, in citing Ericsson (1996, 21), outlinesa series of fundamental conditions that must be met in order for the translator toacquire expertise. While expertise research on professional translator performance in authentic contexts has only recently started to… read more
The opportunities of epistemic pluralism for Cognitive Translation Studies Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2, pp. 165–185 | Article
2019 As the object of study of Cognitive Translation Studies (CTS) expands to encompass social and cultural aspects of multilingual communicative events, scholars face the challenge of combining research methods and analytical perspectives to investigate cognitive phenomena. While plurality has been… read more
Expertise acquisition through deliberate practice: Gauging perceptions and behaviors of translators and project managers Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes, Risku, Hanna, Regina Rogl and Jelena Milosevic (eds.), pp. 122–158 | Article
2017 In his influential 2006 publication, Shreve, in citing Ericsson (1996, 21), outlines a series of fundamental conditions that must be met in order for the translator to acquire expertise. While expertise research on professional translator performance in authentic contexts has only recently… read more
Review of Allen, Cotter & Valentino (2014): The Man Between: Michael Henry Heim and A Life in Translation & Guzmán (2010): Gregory Rabassa’s Latin American Literature: A Translator’s Visible Legacy & Sáenz (2013): Traducción. Dieciocho conferencias nada magistrales y dos discursos de circunstancia Beyond transfiction: Translators and (their) authors, Ben-Ari, Nitsa, Patricia Godbout, Klaus Kaindl and Shaul Levin (eds.), pp. 475–481 | Review