Amaia Munarriz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Amaia Munarriz plays a role.


Ezeizabarrena, María-José, Amaia Munarriz and Udane Loidi 2017 Chapter 12. Bilingual production of relative clauses in languages with opposite head-complement directionalityMultidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World, Bellamy, Kate, Michael W. Child, Paz González, Antje Muntendam and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 283–311 | Chapter
The so-calledSR advantage, based on the observation that S(ubject) R(elatives) are easier to acquire, comprehend or process as compared to O(bject) R(elatives) in many Verb-Object languages, contrasts with the pattern attested in some languages with prenominal relative clauses and/or Object-Verb… read more
Munarriz, Amaia 2017 Chapter 10. The influence of structural distance in cross-linguistic transfer: A case study on Spanish-Basque bilingual aphasiaMultidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World, Bellamy, Kate, Michael W. Child, Paz González, Antje Muntendam and M. Carmen Parafita Couto (eds.), pp. 235–260 | Chapter
We report on a case study of a Spanish-Basque bilingual with aphasia. Our aim is to explore the (dis)similarities between symptoms across linguistic components to see whether the impairment affects the two languages similarly, and whether the structural distance between these languages may… read more