Karen De Clercq

List of John Benjamins publications for which Karen De Clercq plays a role.

Vanden Wyngaerd, Guido, Karen De Clercq and Pavel Caha 2022 A nanosyntactic approach to Dutch deadjectival verbsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2022, Vogels, Jorrig and Sterre Leufkens (eds.), pp. 240–262 | Article
There are three ways of deriving verbs in Dutch: through zero marking, through suffixation, and through prefixation. We focus on prefixed deadjectival verbs, contrasting two views. According to the first view, prefixed verbs are left-headed: the prefix is responsible for the change in category,… read more
De Clercq, Karen and Liliane Haegeman 2021 Chapter 4. Invariant die and adverbial resumption in the Ghent dialectCurrent Issues in Syntactic Cartography: A crosslinguistic perspective, Si, Fuzhen and Luigi Rizzi (eds.), pp. 53–110 | Chapter
This chapter focusses on the apparent V3 pattern in (1), which is salient with some speakers of the Ghent dialect: an initial adverbial constituent in the root clause, vroeger (‘formerly’), is separated from the finite verb by an optional ‘pleonastic’ (Vanacker 1980) element, die. The element… read more
De Clercq, Karen 2020 Tense and sentential negation: A typological perspectiveLinguistics in the Netherlands 2020, Tribushinina, Elena and Mark Dingemanse (eds.), pp. 71–89 | Article
The association between sentential negation and tense has solid foundations in the literature. It has even been argued that sentential negative markers consist of a Tense feature (De Clercq 2018, 2020). This paper adduces the first results from a typological study and data from Bambara in support… read more
De Clercq, Karen and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd 2019 On the idiomatic nature of unproductive morphologyLinguistics in the Netherlands 2019, Berns, Janine and Elena Tribushinina (eds.), pp. 99–114 | Article
We present a case study in the marking of the negative prefix in French gradable adjectives, where the productive marker iN- alternates with a number of unproductive prefixes, like dé(s)-, dis-, mal-, mé(s)-. We treat this as a classical case of allomorphy, and present an account of the… read more
De Clercq, Karen 2017 The internal syntax of Q-wordsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2017, Lestrade, Sander and Bert Le Bruyn (eds.), pp. 31–46 | Article
This paper aims at describing Q(uantity)-words, i.e. many/much and few/little, from a typological perspective, and presenting typological generalisations based on it. The typological sample provides support for a mass-count and positive-negative dimension in the domain of Q-words. Both dimensions… read more
De Clercq, Karen 2011  Squat, zero and no/nothing: Syntactic negation vs. Semantic negationLinguistics in the Netherlands 2011, Nouwen, Rick and Marion Elenbaas (eds.), pp. 14–24 | Article
De Clercq, Karen 2008 Proper names used as Common Nouns in Belgian Dutch and GermanLinguistics in the Netherlands 2008, Koppen, Marjo van and Bert Botma (eds.), pp. 63–74 | Article