Federica Amici

List of John Benjamins publications for which Federica Amici plays a role.


Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation: Interdisciplinary perspectives

Edited by Federica Amici and Lucas M. Bietti

Special issue of Interaction Studies 16:3 (2015) xii, 220 pp.
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language | Interaction Studies


Amici, Federica 2015 The evolution and development of human cooperationCoordination, Collaboration and Cooperation: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Amici, Federica and Lucas M. Bietti (eds.), pp. 383–418 | Article
Humans have attained an unparalleled level of sophistication when engaging in collaborative and cooperative activities. Remarkably, the skills and motivation to engage in complex forms of collaboration and cooperation seem to emerge early on during infancy and childhood. In this paper, I… read more
Amici, Federica and Lucas M. Bietti 2015 Coordination, collaboration and cooperation: Interdisciplinary perspectivesCoordination, Collaboration and Cooperation: Interdisciplinary perspectives, Amici, Federica and Lucas M. Bietti (eds.), pp. vii–xii | Article