Carol Fehringer
List of John Benjamins publications for which Carol Fehringer plays a role.
The get -passive in Tyneside English: A highly frequent yet constrained variant English World-Wide 43:3, pp. 330–356 | Article
2022 This paper provides a quantitative variationist analysis of the distribution of get- versus be-passives in spoken Tyneside English. Taking data from the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (1960s to 2010), the paper uses mixed-effects modelling to examine a wide range of possible… read more
The rise of the going to future in Tyneside English: Evidence for further grammaticalisation English World-Wide 36:2, pp. 198–227 | Article
2015 This paper investigates the relative frequencies of the two major syntactic markers of future time expression (FTE), be going to and will in the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE). In particular, the rise in the frequency of be going to will be examined in the light of current… read more