Elisabet Tiselius
List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabet Tiselius plays a role.
Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies
Edited by Cecilia Alvstad, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius
[Benjamins Translation Library, 94] 2011. xii, 377 pp.
Subjects Translation Studies
Chapter 4. Cued retrospection Research Methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Rojo López, Ana María and Ricardo Muñoz Martín (eds.), pp. 92–107 | Chapter
2025 This chapter describes the method of cued retrospection and how to implement it into research designs. Cued retrospection orginated in psychology and has been used in interpreting studies since the mid 1990s. It is a method based on the participants’ own recollection of the processes of tasks… read more
Review of Seeber (2021): 100 years of conference interpreting: A legacy Interpreting 25:2, pp. 305–312 | Review
Exploring deaf sign language interpreting students’ experiences from joint sign language interpreting programs for deaf and hearing students in Finland Translation and Interpreting Studies 16:3, pp. 347–367 | Article
2021 Integrated university programs for deaf and hearing sign language interpreting students are rare. In Finland, deaf interpreting students have been integrated in the only university program for sign language interpreting since its beginning in the early 2000s. This article investigates the… read more
Turn-taking in dialogue interpreting: Coping with cognitive constraints Developments in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Xiao, Kairong and Sandra L. Halverson (eds.), pp. 328–355 | Article
2021 This study addresses cognitive aspects of turn-taking and the role of experience in dialogue interpreting, by investigating the temporal and textual properties of the coupled turn (i.e. the original utterance and its interpretation). A comparison was made using a video-recorded scripted role-play… read more
Asymmetrical language proficiency in dialogue interpreters: Methodological issues Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2, pp. 305–322 | Article
2019 Language proficiency of dialogue interpreters, who typically work in the public service sector, is an under-researched area. Unlike as in the case of conference interpreters, there is no generally accepted definition of proficiency levels of working languages for dialogue interpreters. This… read more
Introduction: Cognitive processes in dialogue interpreting Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2, pp. 233–239 | Article
2019 Cognitive aspects of community interpreting. Toward a process model Reembedding Translation Process Research, Muñoz Martín, Ricardo (ed.), pp. 195–214 | Article
2016 This article discusses cognitive aspects of professional community interpreting. We give an overview of earlier research into community interpreting, arguing that cognitive aspects have largely been neglected. We propose that in building a model of the mental processes of the community interpreter,… read more
Methods and strategies of process research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 1–9 | Article
2011 “This led me to start thinking about how this happened, and what the process behind it would be”: An interview with Professor Birgitta Englund Dimitrova Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 345–359 | Article
2011 Process and product in simultaneous interpreting: What they tell us about experience and expertise Methods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 269–300 | Article
2011 The expertise approach (Ericsson 2008) has been used to explore the competence of translators and interpreters since the mid-1990s, and is now a well established sub-field in translation and interpreting process research (Jääskeläinen 2010). In the area of interpreting, Ivanova (1999), Liu (2001)… read more
Revisiting Carroll's scales Testing and Assessment in Translation and Interpreting Studies: A call for dialogue between research and practice, Angelelli, Claudia V. and Holly E. Jacobson (eds.), pp. 95–121 | Article