Inken Keim

List of John Benjamins publications for which Inken Keim plays a role.


Keim, Inken and Ralf Knöbl 2011 Linguistic variation and linguistic virtuosity of young “Ghetto”-migrants in Mannheim, GermanyEthnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas, Kern, Friederike and Margret Selting (eds.), pp. 239–263 | Article
In this paper, we provide an insight into the life world and social experiences of young Turkish migrants who are categorised by German society as “social problem cases”. Based on natural conversational data, we describe the communicative repertoire of one migrant adolescent and that of his friends. read more
Kallmeyer, Werner and Inken Keim 2003 Linguistic variation and the construction of social identity in a German-Turkish setting: A case study of an immigrant youth group in Mannheim, GermanyDiscourse Constructions of Youth Identities, Androutsopoulos, Jannis and Alexandra Georgakopoulou (eds.), pp. 29–46 | Article
Keim, Inken 2002 Perspectivity and professional role in verbal interactionPerspective and Perspectivation in Discourse, Graumann, Carl Friedrich and Werner Kallmeyer (eds.), pp. 143–165 | Article