Kerstin Nachtigäller

List of John Benjamins publications for which Kerstin Nachtigäller plays a role.


Rohlfing, Katharina, Kerstin Nachtigäller, Anna Berner and Anouschka Foltz 2019 Chapter 4. Does emotional narrative context influence retention of newly learned words?Narrative, Literacy and Other Skills: Studies in intervention, Veneziano, Edy and Ageliki Nicolopoulou (eds.), pp. 91–107 | Chapter
In this pilot study, we hypothesized that emotional information in stories allows children to become involved in the verbal interaction. This involvement, in turn, might result in improving children’s ability to learn new words. To test this hypothesis, 20 German-speaking 2-year-old children… read more
Nachtigäller, Kerstin and Katharina Rohlfing 2011 11. Mothers’ talking about early object and action concepts during picturebook readingEmergent Literacy: Children's books from 0 to 3, Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina (ed.), pp. 193–208 | Article
Early picturebooks mostly contain pictures of static objects that are useful in introducing rules of book behavior (Kümmerling-Meibauer & Meibauer, 2005). Yet, they do not evolve narratives with a temporal or sequential structure. Our study was motivated by the approach suggested in Mandler (2000)… read more