Paula Kempchinsky

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paula Kempchinsky plays a role.

Slabakova, Roumyana, Jason Rothman and Paula Kempchinsky 2011 Gradient competence at the Syntax-Discourse InterfaceEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 11 (2011), Roberts, Leah, Gabriele Pallotti and Camilla Bettoni (eds.), pp. 218–243 | Article
In this article, we present additional support of Duffield’s (2003, 2005) distinction between Underlying Competence and Surface Competence. Duffield argues that a more fine-grained distinction between levels of competence and performance is warranted and necessary. While underlying competence is… read more
Iverson, Michael, Paula Kempchinsky and Jason Rothman 2008 Interface vulnerability and knowledge of the subjunctive/indicative distinction with negated epistemic predicates in L2 SpanishEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 8 (2008), Roberts, Leah, Florence Myles and Annabelle David (eds.), pp. 135–163 | Article
Much recent research in SLA is guided by the hypothesis of L2 interface vulnerability (see Sorace 2005). This study contributes to this general project by examining the acquisition of two classes of subjunctive complement clauses in L2 Spanish: subjunctive complements of volitional predicates… read more
Kempchinsky, Paula 2001 On the Position of Preposed PPs in English and SpanishFeatures and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras, Herschensohn, Julia, Enrique Mallén and Karen Zagona (eds.), pp. 161–174 | Article
Kempchinsky, Paula 1998 Mood Phrase, Case Checking and ObviationRomance Linguistics: Theoretical Perspectives, Schwegler, Armin, Bernard Tranel and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 143–154 | Article