Cristiano Broccias

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristiano Broccias plays a role.


Broccias, Cristiano 2022 A Cognitive Grammar approach to ‘metonymy’Figurative Thought and Language in Action, Brdar, Mario and Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.), pp. 37–58 | Chapter
This chapter builds on Broccias’s (2017) critique of recent cognitive linguistic approaches to metonymy, which tend to neglect form and the substitutive relation built into the traditional x for y formula. By bringing back to the fore the tropical characterization of metonymy (Matzner 2016),… read more
This paper discusses whether He fell to his death is a possible counterexample to Goldberg’s (1995) Unique Path Constraint, which bans simultaneous motion in multiple landscapes in caused motion/resultative constructions. On the face of it, He fell to his death involves the blending of motion in… read more
Broccias, Cristiano 2014 Watching as-clauses in Late Modern EnglishContact, Variation, and Change in the History of English, Pfenninger, Simone E., Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja, Marianne Hundt and Daniel Schreier (eds.), pp. 137–162 | Article
Eventive percepts can be expressed not only by means of non-finite complements, either with an infinitive or a participle (e.g. She watched his hand trace/tracing the words), but also by means of hypotactic integration with or without a direct object (e.g. She watched his hand as it traced the… read more
This paper investigates the history of -ingly adjuncts (such as warningly and sneeringly) which are obtained from present participles and which occur mainly with verbs of saying, watching and motion. Such adverbs can be used in two different ways, depending on the content of their verbal bases.… read more
Broccias, Cristiano 2011 Motivating the flexibility of oriented -ly adverbsMotivation in Grammar and the Lexicon, Panther, Klaus-Uwe and Günter Radden (eds.), pp. 71–88 | Article
This paper discusses participant-oriented uses of adverbs and tries to motivate their conceptual flexibility within a framework largely inspired by Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar. Usually, at least two types of participant-oriented adverb are identified, manner and transparent adverbs. It is argued… read more
Broccias, Cristiano 2006 The construal of simultaneity in English with special reference to as-clausesAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 4, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 97–133 | Article
This paper investigates how simultaneity between two events, a main clause event and a subordinate clause event, is coded in English. It focuses on as-clauses but also contrasts them with while-clauses. It argues that as-clauses evoke path events, i.e. events susceptible to change. It also points… read more
Broccias, Cristiano 2004 The cognitive basis of adjectival and adverbial resultative constructionsAnnual Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 2, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (ed.), pp. 103–126 | Article
In this paper I investigate adjectival resultative constructions, which usually do not occur in Romance languages, and adverbial resultative constructions, which are also possible in Romance languages. I claim that adjectival resultative constructions and adverbial resultative constructions rely on… read more