Xosé Xabier Ron Fernández
List of John Benjamins publications for which Xosé Xabier Ron Fernández plays a role.
Chapter 12. Martin Codax: O nome. A onomástica na lírica trobadoresca The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax: The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval, Rodríguez Guerra, Alexandre and Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo (eds.), pp. 221–238 | Chapter
2018 In this chapter we offer a critical reflection on the names of the troubadours and the most innovative, state-of-the-art developments in their prosopography, as a result of research conducted on medieval documentation, both published and unpublished. The text is structured in four parts: (a) in the… read more