Elisabeth Leiss
List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabeth Leiss plays a role.
Book series
Thetics and Categoricals
Edited by Werner Abraham, Elisabeth Leiss and Yasuhiro Fujinawa
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 262] 2020. vii, 390 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Certainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between
Edited by Sibilla Cantarini, Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 165] 2014. x, 365 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics
Modes of Modality: Modality, typology, and universal grammar
Edited by Elisabeth Leiss and Werner Abraham
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 149] 2014. vi, 511 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Modality–Aspect Interfaces: Implications and typological solutions
Edited by Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss
[Typological Studies in Language, 79] 2008. xxiv, 422 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Nominal Determination: Typology, context constraints, and historical emergence
Edited by Elisabeth Stark, Elisabeth Leiss and Werner Abraham
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 89] 2007. viii, 370 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Typology
On conceptualizing grammatical change in a Darwinian framework: A reply to Hubert Haider Biological Evolution: More than a metaphor for grammar change, Manzini, Maria Rita (ed.), pp. 93–108 | Commentary
2021 Approaching language change within a Darwinian framework constitutes a long-standing tradition within the literature of diachronic linguistics. However, many publications remain vague, omitting conceptual details or missing necessary terminology. For example, phylogenetic trees of language… read more
Categorical versus thetic sentences in the Universal Grammar of Realism Thetics and Categoricals, Abraham, Werner, Elisabeth Leiss and Yasuhiro Fujinawa (eds.), pp. 13–30 | Chapter
2020 The aim of this paper is to outline that the notions of thetic versus categorical sentences are characteristic of a long tradition of philosophy, especially of the philosophy of Realism. Characteristic of Realism is a highly developed theory of the copula. Sentences consist of a subject, a rather… read more
Multiple case binding – The principled underspecification of case exponency Contrastive Studies in Verbal Valency, Hellan, Lars, Andrej L. Malchukov and Michela Cennamo (eds.), pp. 27–82 | Chapter
This paper attempts to demonstrate that all current definitions of case are based on a case-phenomenology that is not prototypical of thegrammaticalcategory of case. We argue that a good, i.e. a functioning, grammatical category is –per definitionem– organized in paradigms. We… read more
Modes of modality in an Un-Cartesian framework Certainty-uncertainty – and the Attitudinal Space in Between, Cantarini, Sibilla, Werner Abraham and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. 47–62 | Article
2014 The central aim of this paper is to show that Certainty as encoded by the linguistic means of epistemicity and evidentiality differs in essential ways form Certainty in metalinguistic terms (Objectivity). The paper starts with a presentation of the building blocks of the epistemic and evidential… read more
Introduction Modes of Modality: Modality, typology, and universal grammar, Leiss, Elisabeth and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
2014 Introduction: Aspect-modality interfaces and interchanges across languages Modality–Aspect Interfaces: Implications and typological solutions, Abraham, Werner and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. xi–xxiv | Miscellaneous
2008 The silent and aspect-driven patterns of deonticity and epistemicity: A chapter in diachronic typology Modality–Aspect Interfaces: Implications and typological solutions, Abraham, Werner and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. 15–41 | Article
2008 Introduction Nominal Determination: Typology, context constraints, and historical emergence, Stark, Elisabeth, Elisabeth Leiss and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Miscellaneous
2007 Covert patterns of definiteness/indefiniteness and aspectuality in Old Icelandic, Gothic, and Old High German Nominal Determination: Typology, context constraints, and historical emergence, Stark, Elisabeth, Elisabeth Leiss and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 73–102 | Article
2007 It is assumed that the rise of the defi nite article is due to changes in the aspectual system of a language. Defi niteness and perfective aspect are shown to be just two instantiations of the same grammatical function. So are indefi niteness and imperfective aspect. Defi nite nouns and perfective… read more
The impersonal passive: voice suspended under aspectual conditions Passivization and Typology: Form and function, Abraham, Werner and Larisa Leisiö (eds.), pp. 502–517 | Article