Marion Tellier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marion Tellier plays a role.


EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 16 (2016)

Edited by Sarah Ann Liszka, Pascale Leclercq, Marion Tellier and Georges Daniel Véronique

[EUROSLA Yearbook, 16] 2016. ix, 210 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism

EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 9 (2009)

Edited by Leah Roberts, Georges Daniel Véronique, Anna Nilsson and Marion Tellier

[EUROSLA Yearbook, 9] 2009. vi, 295 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Tellier, Marion, Gale Stam and Alain Ghio 2021 Handling language: How future language teachers adapt their gestures to their interlocutorGesture 20:1, pp. 30–62 | Article
This paper addresses the question of how speakers adapt their gestures according to their interlocutor’s proficiency level in the language of the interaction especially in the specific context of foreign language teaching. We know that speakers make changes in their speech when addressing a… read more
Stam, Gale and Marion Tellier 2017 Chapter 16. The sound of silence: The functions of gestures in pauses in native and non-native interactionWhy Gesture?: How the hands function in speaking, thinking and communicating, Church, Ruth Breckinridge, Martha W. Alibali and Spencer D. Kelly (eds.), pp. 353–377 | Chapter
Liszka, Sarah Ann, Pascale Leclercq, Marion Tellier and Georges Daniel Véronique 2016 Introduction: EuroSLA Yearbook 2016EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 16 (2016), Liszka, Sarah Ann, Pascale Leclercq, Marion Tellier and Georges Daniel Véronique (eds.), pp. vii–ix | Miscellaneous
Tellier, Marion 2010 The effect of gestures on second language memorisation by young childrenGestures in Language Development, Gullberg, Marianne and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 75–91 | Article
Tellier, Marion 2008 The effect of gestures on second language memorisation by young childrenGestures in language development, Gullberg, Marianne and Kees de Bot (eds.), pp. 219–235 | Article
This article examines the impact of gesture on second language memorisation in teaching to very young learners. Twenty French children (mean age 5;5) took part in an experiment. They had to learn eight words in a foreign language (English). One group of children (N = 10) were taught words with… read more