Tomoharu Hirota
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tomoharu Hirota plays a role.
“You betcha I’m a ’Merican”: The rise of YOU BET as a pragmatic marker International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28:4, pp. 528–558 | Article
2023 This article studies you bet and related phrases when they are used as a parenthetical and as a free-standing response. Drawing on a range of corpora, we provide both contemporary and historical perspectives on the set of pragmatic expressions that has largely escaped scholars’ attention.… read more
Diffusion of do: The acquisition of do negation by have (to) Late Modern English: Novel encounters, Kytö, Merja and Erik Smitterberg (eds.), pp. 117–142 | Chapter
2020 This paper gives a diachronic perspective on do-support of the semi-modal have to under negation. Corpus evidence demonstrates that do negation was regulated with have to around the 1870s in American English and around the 1930s in British English. To elucidate the development of have to towards do… read more