Catherine T. Bolly
List of John Benjamins publications for which Catherine T. Bolly plays a role.
Chapter 2. Towards a model for discourse marker annotation: From potential to feature-based discourse markers Pragmatic Markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles: New perspectives, Fedriani, Chiara and Andrea Sansó (eds.), pp. 71–98 | Chapter
2017 This chapter presents an empirical method for the identification and annotation of discourse markers (DMs) in in spontaneous spoken French (MDMA project). Central to the proposal is the assumption that DMs may be described as clusters of features that, in specific patterns of combination, allow… read more
Have you seen what I mean? From verbal constructions to discourse markers Journal of Historical Pragmatics 14:2, pp. 210–235 | Article
2013 The aim of this contribution is to investigate, by means of a diachronic multi-genre corpus-based approach (Academic, Narrative, and Present-day Spoken French), whether the historical functional shift from the propositional domain to the causal/pragmatic domain of linguistic expressions correlates… read more
Quelle(s) fonction(s) pour donc en français oral ? Du connecteur conséquentiel au marqueur de structuration du discours Lingvisticæ Investigationes 32:1, pp. 1–32 | Article
2009 The article investigates the multi-functional status of the French connective donc (‘so’) showing on the basis of a corpus analysis that the connective may be used to structure the discourse at different levels. The study distinguishes four main functions for donc: consequential, recapitulating,… read more