Martin Bygate

List of John Benjamins publications for which Martin Bygate plays a role.


Learning Language through Task Repetition

Edited by Martin Bygate

[Task-Based Language Teaching, 11] 2018. x, 334 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

TBLT as a Researched Pedagogy

Edited by Virginia Samuda, Kris Van den Branden and Martin Bygate

[Task-Based Language Teaching, 12] 2018. viii, 292 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

Task-Based Language Teaching: A reader

Edited by Kris Van den Branden, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris

[Task-Based Language Teaching, 1] 2009. ix, 512 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Souza Ferraz D'Ely, Raquel Carolina, Mailce Borges Mota and Martin Bygate 2019 Chapter 9. Strategic planning and repetition as metacognitive processes in task performance: Implications for EFL learners’ speech productionResearching L2 Task Performance and Pedagogy: In honour of Peter Skehan, Wen, Zhisheng (Edward) and Mohammad Javad Ahmadian (eds.), pp. 199–228 | Chapter
By manipulating strategic planning and repetition, we investigated the effects of four pre-task conditions – strategic planning, repetition, strategic planning plus repetition and strategic planning for repetition – on the oral production of 47 EFL learners performing a video-based narrative task.… read more
Bygate, Martin 2018 IntroductionLearning Language through Task Repetition, Bygate, Martin (ed.), pp. 1–25 | Chapter
Oral and written language differ in terms of the processing they involve, and the patterns of spoken and written discourse. These in turn imply differences in the challenges each presents to learners. I will consider how these can be distinctive to speaking, and suggest some implications for… read more
Samuda, Virginia, Martin Bygate and Kris Van den Branden 2018 Introduction: Towards a researched pedagogy for TBLTTBLT as a Researched Pedagogy, Samuda, Virginia, Kris Van den Branden and Martin Bygate (eds.), pp. 1–22 | Miscellaneous
Ever since the establishment in the 1940’s of the distinguished journal Language Learning, a significant proportion of research in applied linguistics has defined itself as aiming to address practical problems of language teaching. Given the definition of applied linguistics as ‘the theoretical… read more
Bygate, Martin 2009 Chapter 12. Effects of task repetition on the structure and control of oral languageTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 249–274 | Article
Bygate, Martin, John M. Norris and Kris Van den Branden 2009 Coda: Understanding TBLT at the interface between research and pedagogyTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 495–499 | Miscellaneous
Norris, John M., Martin Bygate and Kris Van den Branden 2009 Section introTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 243–247 | Miscellaneous
Norris, John M., Martin Bygate and Kris Van den Branden 2009 Section introTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 15–19 | Miscellaneous
Norris, John M., Martin Bygate and Kris Van den Branden 2009 Section introTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 131–134 | Miscellaneous
Norris, John M., Martin Bygate and Kris Van den Branden 2009 Section introTask-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 431–434 | Miscellaneous
Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris 2009 Chapter 1. Task-based language teaching: introducing the reader.Task-Based Language Teaching: A reader, Van den Branden, Kris, Martin Bygate and John M. Norris (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Bygate, Martin and Virginia Samuda 2005 2. Integrative planning through the use of task repetitionPlanning and Task Performance in a Second Language, Ellis, Rod (ed.), pp. 37–74 | Chapter
Bygate, Martin 2004 Some current trends in applied linguistics: Towards a generic viewWorld Applied Linguistics: A Celebration of AILA at 40, Gass, Susan M. and Sinfree Makoni (eds.), pp. 6–22 | Article
This paper argues that the most significant trend in applied linguistics is the emergence of the field as a generic discipline, involving several subareas, all characterised by the aim of developing theoretical and empirical studies of language as a key element in real world problems. Various… read more