Michael Wentker
List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael Wentker plays a role.
Chapter 12. #conspiracymemes: A framework-based analysis of conspiracy memes as digital multimodal units and ensuing user reactions on Instagram Conspiracy Theory Discourses, Demata, Massimiliano, Virginia Zorzi and Angela Zottola (eds.), pp. 267–294 | Chapter
2022 Drawing on a multimodal corpus of Instagram memes (see Dancygier and Vandelanotte 2017; Yus 2019), this study explores the forms and functions of online conspiracy memes which are rooted in conspiracy theories (see Byford 2011; Butter and Knight 2020; Uscinski 2020). Focusing on posts, so-called… read more
Code-switching and identity construction in WhatsApp: Evidence from a (digital) community of practice The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline: Personal - group - collective, Bös, Birte, Sonja Kleinke, Sandra Mollin and Nuria Hernández (eds.), pp. 109–132 | Chapter
2018 This paper examines how the use of WhatsApp promotes the linguistic construction of group identity and social meaning in a close-knit community of practice of six German university students. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of a private WhatsApp group chat, supported by the findings from a… read more