Gisa Rauh
List of John Benjamins publications for which Gisa Rauh plays a role.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Rauh, Gisa 2015
Adverbs as a linguistic category (?) Adverbs: Functional and diachronic aspects, Pittner, Karin, Daniela Elsner and Fabian Barteld (eds.), pp. 19–46 | Article
The main purpose of this paper is to show what kind of category adverbs form. It is demonstrated that the words of a language are in general categorized in two different ways, based on different properties and serving different purposes. First, they form a small set of part-of-speech categories… read more
Austin, Jennifer R., Stefan Engelberg and Gisa Rauh 2004
Current issues in the syntax and semantics of adverbials Adverbials: The interplay between meaning, context, and syntactic structure, Austin, Jennifer R., Stefan Engelberg and Gisa Rauh (eds.), pp. 1–44 | Article